Tuesday, July 28, 2009

my verdict on 09 big movies (so far..)

Everyone loves big movies!

Well even though we are still on a half way before 2009 ends, there are already so many big movies released (especially in the summer). Lots of them made a good impression on me, but also i kinda disappointed on some big movies that i expected should be better. And here are some of my notes on the 2009 big movies so far..

my top 5 big movies

1.  Watchmen

Rating : 4,5

0600005030QAr1.qxd:0600005030QAr1Watchmen is just worth to be watched over and over again”

Why do i love this movie?

The complexity of the story

Watchmen main story is very complicated and has a lot of sub-plots. The depiction of all the main characters in the movie just blurred the line between good and evil. This is a movie that left a deep impression by the end of it.

2.  Star Trek

Rating :  4,5

startrek“Sci-fi movies at its best!”

Why do i love this movie?

I just love it!

Somehow i just enjoyed watching this movie. I think this Star Trek is the best prequel movie ever made until now. The casts were great and they just bring Star Trek into a fresh new generation era. LONG LIVE and PROSPER!


3.  Public Enemies

Rating : 4


"Excellent casts, Oscar nominated director, great story. What else do you need to know? It’s just classic!”

Why do i love this movie?

Johnny Depp is John Dillinger

His charisma and acting skill can not be doubted as the major factors in the movie. I don’t think they could have had a better actor to bring Dillinger to life.

4.  Angels and Demons

Rating : 4


“Non-stop tense thriller along the Vatican!”

Why do i love this movie?

Telling conspiracy in a thrilling way

Well everyone is already know that this Dan Brown’s novel adaptation movie is a very controversy. But screw that.. The action, the suspense, the thriller, gorgeous scenery and a surprising twist at the end just rounded up this adventure of Robert Langdon.

5.  Ice Age 3 : Dawn of the Dinosaurs

Rating : 4


“The best and funniest from the series so far”

Why do i love this movie?

Hilariously funny adventure

Ice Age is a joyful movie to be watched. The animation is great, it also has morale story in it. Along the film you will have to prepare your stomach. You will laugh a lot. And i mean a LOT..


Honorable Mention :

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Rating :3,5


“The darker it gets, the more I enjoy watching Harry”

Fast and Furious

Rating :3

Fast_and_Furious_Poster“The original part is always the best”







17 Again

Rating : 3,5


“Well, Zac Efron is not that bad..hahaha”












my thoughts

Here below are some special awarded movie from me that has left me with an impression, whether it is great or bad..

Beyond Expectation

Star Trek and Ice Age 3

startrek 2  ice age poster 2


I don’t follow Star Trek and Ice Age series that much. (I even don’t know anything about Star Trek) So when i wanted to watch these movies, i don’t expect anything other than entertainment. But after i watched them, i figure out why Star Trek has many loyal fanatic fans around the world, and why Ice Age is considered as one of the most success animation movies franchise in the box office.

Under Expectation

 Terminator Salvation and Transformer 2

terminator-salvation-poster21 transformers-2-final-poster


Well maybe 2009 is not the year for robots. Expectation were very high for these 2 movies. Terminator Salvation will continue the saga of Terminator where this time there will be no Mr.Arnold in the movie as the main character. The casts were actually great. There were Christian Bale (as John Connor) and Sam Worthington (as Marcus). Unfortunately their great acting skill became useless when almost in the entire movie we were given a vast amount of action scene, even though i have to admit that the action scene was cool. But this is a TERMINATOR movie folks! Not just some all-packed nonstop action scenes on the entire film. The plot in the movie somehow is not developed well. The idea of robots-human war in the future is great, unfortunately it did not well brought at the end.

Not much difference with Terminator, Transformers : Revenge of The Fallen is probably the most awaited movie in 2009. The first one as we know is very good movie. Michael Bay did a great job to packed the action,drama, and some comedy elements in the movie. But in the sequel, he just simply flop the movie. Yes it is true that this sequel is bigger in many way. But it was just wrong. Too much action, cheesy humours, and way too many robots. I think the only thing that saved this movie is the special effects. It was fantastic. But on the other hand, this movie served us too many long fighting scenes that made the movie became dull and boring (and it is also confusing watching those fighting and transformation scenes of the robots). And to be added, the main storyline in this sequel is awful. Transformer is just “Fallen”  this time around.

Rest of the worst in 2009

nitex-men-origins-wolverine-movie-posterBW_B_Eng1sht (Page 1)

Night at the Museum 2 2

X-Men Origins : Wolverine 2.5 

Bride Wars 2

Well that was all my thoughts and reviews about movies this year to date. Maybe some of you have a different opinion, taste, and perspective with me. But in the end, i just want to share mine with you all. 2009 is still far from end, there are still lots of movie to be watched. And here are some movies that are still going to be released this year. See ya!

upcoming release in 2009

gi_joe_international_posterfinal-destination-4 International 1-Sheet new-moon-poster2-692x1024   saw6 OneSheet (Page 1)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

cerita dari negeri singa part 2

Oke ini dia lanjutan dari yang part 1 yang sebenarnya uda kayak ga ada isinya sama skali..haha..

Kejadian-kejadian konyol justru tidak terjadi saat di sana.. Malah pas pulang banyak hal-hal aneh yang gw liat dan gw dengar. Dan smwa itu terjadi di dalam pesawat sewaktu gw dalam perjalanan pulang..

Waktu gw masuk pesawat, tentu seperti biasa kita akan disambut oleh pramugari-pramugari dari pesawat itu sendiri. Nah pas lagi disambut, mata gw seakan tertarik oleh daya magnet yang sangat besar untuk melirik name-tag dari pramugari cowok yang ada saat itu.

Gw liat namanya. Mata gw mulai mengeluarkan cairan-cairan nanah tanda terkejut. Sosok pramugari yang lain dari biasanya…

Dia menderita….

Dia tersiksa….

Dia tersilet….

Dia “ndut ndut chubby”…


BUKAN ITU MAKSUD GW!!! sudah cukup puas saya melihat iklannya setiap hari… Oke back to the current issue..

Pramugari itu ternyata bernama DRAGON..

Wow nama yang cukup keren untuk seseorang menurut gw. Untung aja dia ga nyembur api..haha..mungkin kokonya namanya  Blue Eyes White Dragon dan adiknya Komodo Dragon.. Hahaha.. uda ah ga enak jelek-jelekin nama orang.

Tapi emang kadang-kadang lucu sieh para ortu memberikan nama kepada anaknya. Masa adek kelas di skul gw bisa ada yang namayna LINGKARAN.

Ya tidak ada yang salah dengan layar komputer anda..

Dia bukanlah bangun ruang..

Dia manusia biasa seperti kita.

Dia adalah LINGKARAN..

Bisa jadi inceran tuwh dia kalo lagi pelajaran mat di skul. Bisa-bisa nanti di kertas ulangan akan muncul tulisan kayak gini :



Nama siswa : Lingkaran

Bisa bisa dikasi nilainya lingkaran juga kali twh dy alias 0..hahaha..

Oke kejadian kedua ga jauh-jauh.. Masi terjadi di dalam pesawat dan kembali aktor paling sering muncul di kejadian ini muncul kembali. Ya dia adalah OMA gw! jeng jeng jeng..

Kayaknya ga ada abisnya neh cerita dari si oma. Ada aja hal kocak yang bisa diambil dari gerak-geriknya.. Ini dia yang terbaru..

Jadi waktu di pesawat twh, karena gw ber 7 dan formasi di pesawat ini adalah 3-3 tiap baris, otomatis ada 1 yang terbuang untuk duduk sendiri. Nah om gw neh kebetulan yang duduk sendiri. Tepat di belakang deretan kursi oma gw. Nah kebetulan saat itu di kedua kursi di sampingnya masi kosong. Padahal bisa dibilang ini pesawat uda cukup penuh dan siap terbang.

Kevin : Tuwh 2 kursi kayaknya kosong tuwh.. nanti aku pindah aja deh temenin om..

Oma : Eh jangan! Nanti kalo UDA TERBANG taw-taw ada yang maw duduk gimana... sapa taw itu tempatnya dia.. JANGAN!

Kevin : (mengalami momen-momen hening seperti biasa)

Gila dah dipikir lagi naek busway kali tiap station bisa ada yang naik turun masuk.. hahaha.. Oke dhe oma ditunggu aksi-aksi berikutnya..

That’s all from me now! It’s a wrap!

cerita dari negeri singa part 1

Halo halo halo salam gohyong smwanya!!

Akhirnya setelah skian lama saya keluar juga dari gua persembunyian setelah liburan kali ini yang koq rasanya tak ada habis-habisnya. Tadinya gw uda berpikir kemalesan gw untuk menulis ini adalah akhir dari blog monyetluarangkasa. Namun tampaknya blom waktunya gan…

Oke langsung kita mulai aja..

Akhir juni kmaren gw smpet berkunjung ke negeri tetangga Singapore! Ya tujuan ke sana seh selain shopping ya untuk melihat penyebaran flu babi di sana tuwh kayak gimana seh.haha. Tapi gw patut bersyukur tidak terinfeksi penyakit ini karena di sana sebenarnya selama 4 hari 3 malam di sana bisa dibilang tiada hari yang gw lalui tanpa mengonsumsi babi..emang kalo uda satu keluarga twh susah nularnya.

Ya intinya seh kegiatan gw selama 3 hari ya belanja dan makan lah. Gw skalian beli-beli item bwat kuliah nanti. Dan tampaknya twh koper isinya pas perjalanan pulang isinya jeans smwa.. hahaha.. gw emang membeli cukup banyak jeans di sana.

Here are some snip-snap from there..

  DSC01916-pola01DSC01927-pola DSC02010-pola  DSC01932-polaDSC01936-polaDSC01934-pola DSC01998-pola

Well i’ll tell you my stories on the second part! Sayonara!